Laying the groundwork for further successful cooperation with South Korea - extension of the MOU with NST

29 August 2023

On 14 August, the cooperation agreement between the Forschungszentrum Jülich and the National Research Council of Science & Technology, South Korea (NST) was extended for another five years.

Weichen für die weitere erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit Südkorea gestellt – Verlängerung des MOU mit NST r.: Prof. Astrid Lambrecht, Chairperson of the Forschungszentrum Jülich; Dr. Bock Chul Kim, Chairperson of the National Research Council of Science & Technology, South Korea (NST); Dr. Peter Jansens, Member of the Board of Directors of the Forschungszentrum Jülich.

At the meeting between the chairs of the FZJ and the NST, the successful cooperation to date was discussed. In particular, the bilateral research programme and the joint workshop in November 2022, which could take place despite the difficult pandemic times, were highlighted once again. At the meeting on the Jülich campus, further fruitful cooperation was also discussed.

Weichen für die weitere erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit Südkorea gestellt – Verlängerung des MOU mit NST

Further information on cooperation with South Korea

Last Modified: 29.08.2023