HAICORE - Getting started workshop (Trainingskurs, online)

06.04.2021 07:00 Uhr
07.04.2021 11:00 Uhr

Der Kurs findet als Online-Veranstaltung statt. Der Link zur Online-Plattform wird nur den registrierten Teilnehmern bekannt gegeben.


Fancy using High Performance Computing machines for AI? Fancy learning how to run your code on the machines at KIT and on Europes fastest computer Juwels Booster at FZJ?

In this workshop, we will guide you through the first steps of using the supercomputer machines for your own AI application. This workshop is should be tailored to your needs - and our team will guide you through questions like:

  • How do I get access to the machines?
  • How do I use the pre-installed, optimized software?
  • How can I run my own code?
  • How can I store data so I can access it fast in training?
  • How can parallelize my training and use more than one GPU?

In this workshop, we will try to get your code and your workflow running and would like to make the start on a supercomputer as smooth as possible. After this course, you are not only ready to use not only HAICORE but you have made your first step into unlocking compute resources even on the largest scale with a compute time application at the Gauss Supercomputing Center.

This workshop will be held in a small group size with enough space to address your questions. Please give us an indication on what topics you are interested in and we will try to adjust.


Forschende von Helmholtz-Zentren.


Der Kurs wird auf Englisch gehalten.


2 halbe Tage


6. - 7. April 2021, jeweils 9.00 - 13.00 Uhr




maximal 15


Dr. Stefan Kesselheim, JSC; Dr. Markus Götz, KIT


Dr. Stefan Kesselheim
Telefon: +49 2461 61-3651

E-mail: s.kesselheim@fz-juelich.de


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Letzte Änderung: 23.11.2022