FENIX Cloud Computing-Projekte

Die Fenix Cloud Computing-Projekte richten sich an europäische Wissenschaftler und werden in englischer Sprache betreut.


Within the FENIX research infrastructure, JSC and its partners provide cloud computing resources and archival data services for European-based researchers from any scientific domain.


Eligible are scientists with affiliations of European institutions or research facilities.

Available project types

Available project types for production are

  • Regular Cloud projects with a duration of up to 12 months with the minimum of resources of 1VM per project; total resources offered: 1500 vCPUs, 3000 GB Memory

Detailed resource information and available calls:

Acknowledgement of FENIX/JSC resources

Papers, presentations, and other publications containing results obtained with FENIX/JSC resources must include proper acknowledgements and the HPC system(s) used must additionally be cited properly.

Acknowledgements for using FENIX/JSC resources

FENIX/JSC Regular Projects on JUSUF

Contact information

For technical questions or support before the application submission, you can contact the FENIX team.
E-Mail: fenix-coord@fz-juelich.de.

In case of issues related to the platform, users are invited to contact the PRACE peer-review office.
E-Mail: peer-review@prace-ri.eu.

Letzte Änderung: 16.01.2025