Directive-based GPU programming with OpenACC (PRACE-Trainingskurs, online)
Dr. Andreas Herten
(Kurs Nr. 1462022 im Trainingsprogramm 2022 des Forschungszentrums Jülich)
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GPU-accelerated computing drives current scientific research. Writing fast numeric algorithms for GPUs offers high application performance by offloading compute-intensive portions of the code to the GPU. The course will cover basic aspects of GPU architectures and programming. Focus is on the usage of the directive-based OpenACC programming model which allows for portable application development. Examples of increasing complexity will be used to demonstrate optimization and tuning of scientific applications.
Topics covered will include:
- Introduction to GPU/Parallel computing
- Programming model OpenACC
- Interoperability of OpenACC with GPU libraries (like cuBLAS and cuFFT) and CUDA
- Multi-GPU Programming with MPI and OpenACC
- Tools for debugging and profiling
- Performance optimization
The course consists of lectures and interactive hands-on sessions in C or Fortran (the attendee’s choice).
This course is a PRACE training course.
Level der vermittelten Inhalte | in Stunden | in % |
Grundlegende Inhalte: | 0 | 0 % |
Mittlere Inhalte: | 4.5 | 50 % |
Fortgeschrittene Inhalte: | 4.5 | 50 % |
Inhalte für Fach-Communities: | 0 | 0 % |
Kenntnisse in Linux, z.B. make, command line editor, Linux shell (s. z.B. Kommando-Übersicht), einige Erfahrung mit C
Programmierer:innen, die OpenACC auf GPU-Systemen nutzen wollen
Der Kurs wird auf Englisch gehalten.
3 halbe Tage
26.-28. Oktober 2022, 09:00-13:00 Uhr
Anzahl der Teilnehmenden:
mindestens 5, höchstens 28
Dr. Andreas Herten, Dr. Thorsten Hater, Dr. Kaveh Haghighi-Mood, JSC;
Jiri Kraus, Markus Hrywniak, NVIDIA
Dr. Andreas Herten
Co-Lead of division Novel System Architecture design, head of ATML Accelerating Devices
- Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS)
- Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)
Raum 228
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