
The general purpose of the neutron SimLab is the development of data-analysis methods, to help JCNS staff and users of JCNS instruments extract physically and chemically relevant structural and dynamic information from neutron scattering data. This calls for the development of material-specific mathematical models, as well as of tools to link numerical simulations to scattering data.
In practice, the SimLab activities fall into three main categories. Some consist in a technological watch of existing scattering data-analysis software, and in assisting users of JCNS instruments with them. Others consist in novel researches and development pertaining to scattering data analysis in general. Finally, the SimLab also acts as a Decentralized Data Manager for JCNS, which entails the establishment of institute-wide data management procedures.
Beyond JCNS itself, the SimLab works in synergy with other Institutes of the Forschungszentrum Jülich. In particular, joint meetings are currently held biweekly with the Ernst Ruska-Centre (Alexander Clausen, Dieter Weber) and with the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (Paul Baumeister). Topics discussed recently in these meetings include data management procedures and neural-network methods.

Letzte Änderung: 08.04.2022