Leading three of the 15 instruments at ESS, participating in an additional one, and being responsible for several work-packages (robotics, motion control, software development), JCNS aims to deliver first-class instruments and components and to contribute with its competence and decades of experience in neutron science and methodology to make the ESS a success.
ESS has chosen XLPM as a project management methodology, which is based on the Project Management Institute (PMI) standard, and is the methodology for managing and controlling the ESS projects. As a project management technique for measuring project performance and progress, the Earned Value Management (EVM) methodology has been selected and all cost control and reporting will be done using EVM.
The project management Methodology for projects in the area of infrastructure at FZJ is PRImA (PRINCE2 mit Augenmaß), which is based on the PRINCE2® methodology. Furthermore, in line with this choice, the Programme Management Methodology adopted is the MSP (Managing Successful Programmes).
The project management approach developed by the JCNS-ESS PMO is now on the process of being adapted to manage the HBS project, as well as the projects for instrument construction and instrument upgrades.
Furthermore, the JCNS-ESS PMO has also developed a process for effective management of 3rd party funded projects.
The JCNS-ESS Programme Management Office (PMO) has developed a project management approach for ongoing projects, which not only merges the different PM methodologies chosen by ESS (XLPM based on PMI) and FZJ (PRImA based on PRINCE2®), but also adapted MSP to fit needs of the JCNS programmes.
As a first step, a thorough evaluation of all projects, its respective boundary conditions, and personnel was done. The programme was then “organized” into an organigram and well-defined roles and responsibilities based on MSP were established.
Subsequently, an in-depth analysis of the internal and external interfaces was conducted through a stakeholder analysis and regular meetings were established.
In parallel to that, the projects were divided into major sub-components and phases, and the planned schedule and costs were entered into an MS-Project file, which is a sub-project file of the programme master file. Milestones, logistics, and procurements reports are generated in this file and shared with the relevant stakeholders.
Controlling is done via a set of excel files which were created specifically for the ESS projects and can be used as a template for any further projects. These files are updated monthly by the controller, and sent as financial reports to the project managers.
Once this basis was established, a set of processes was developed based on the boundary conditions of the projects. Such processes include: reporting, procurement, logistics, quality management, change management and documentation management.
Finally, the risk register was created based on the input from the entire team, as well as from external experts, and is used by the heads of the department to set in place any mitigation deemed necessary.
The decisions taken in how to manage the programme are be described in a programme management document (live document), and clearly communicated to the entire team regularly.