JCNS: Exploring the Nano-World
Instruments at MLZ, ILL and SANS
The Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) was established in 2006 at Forschungszentrum Jülich and operates state-of-the-art neutron scattering instruments at cutting-edge neutron sources, with the aim of providing the best instruments at the best sources. JCNS offers access to unique experimental facilities for the vibrant German and international user communities, and promotes the development of neutron techniques at the highest level.
In order to enhance the scientific quality of the user experiments, JCNS is able to support the instruments with in-house scientific research activities covering the fields of highly correlated electron systems and magnetism as well as soft matter and biophysics.
This important in-house expertise is available for users who want to join forces in cooperations. In this context also a number of complementary techniques in well equipped laboratories are offered.
JCNS operates a dedicated user programme for instruments at the MLZ in Garching, Germany, the ILL high-flux reactor in Grenoble, France, and the SNS Spallation Source in Oak Ridge, USA.
Proposals for beam time are submitted via a web-based process. Two thirds of the available beam time is distributed to external users after receiving their application for beam time. Beam time is allocated after this is reviewed by an international scientific committee. One third of the beam time is used for in-house research. All organizational aspects of FRM II user affairs are taken care of by the joint JCNS-TU München User Office established in Garching.