



Strategy Paper on Neutron Research in Germany 2020 - 2045

Strategy Paper on Neutron Research in Germany 2020 - 2045, update 2019, based on an earlier update from 2017


SoNDe - A Detector for Neutrons and more

In the SoNDe project, a new kind of detector technology is developed that will outperform current detectors for neutrons by a factor of 20 or more. Additionally, because the technology is so versatile, it can be used in other applications, like autonomous cars or turbulence detection via LIDAR. Further reading: SoNDe


Quantum Mechanics & Neutron Scattering - Part 2, Understanding Quantum Mechanics Intuitively

Neutrons are extremely suited to illustrate the basic principles of quantum physics. This is the second of a two-part series for use in introductory lecture courses on quantum mechanics or for self-study. Plus: More information on the Basic principles of quantum mechanics demonstrated by neutron scattering.


Quantum Mechanics & Neutron Scattering - Part 1, Understanding Quantum Mechanics Intuitively

Neutrons are extremely suited to illustrate the basic principles of quantum physics. This is the first of a two-part series for use in introductory lecture courses on quantum mechanics or for self-study. Further reading: Basic principles of quantum mechanics demonstrated by neutron scattering.


"Neue Wege gehen" - JCNS-Imagefilm, 2011

Was sind Neutronen, wie werden sie erzeugt und warum sind sie für die Forschung unverzichtbar? Welchen Nutzen bringt Forschung mit Neutronen der Gesellschaft und was sind die Jülicher Beiträge? Diese und weitere Fragen rund um die Schlüsseltechnologie Neutronenstreuung beantwortet ein zehnminütiger Film des Jülich Centre for Neutron Science, JCNS.

Letzte Änderung: 25.03.2022