How to build a successful start-up?
In 2015, Dr. Georg Schaumann and Dr. Stephan Binder launched the successful company SenseUp. In an interview, both of them share the achievements and challenges of building a scientific start-up.
Launching a startup provides researchers with the unique opportunity to transform groundbreaking ideas into viable businesses. By founding their own start-ups, scientists can take control of the trajectory of their discoveries, turning academic research into real-world applications.
This entrepreneurial path not only provides greater autonomy and flexibility but also accelerates the commercialization of innovative technologies.
Explore our portfolio of thriving spin-offs
Researching independently
Creating an environment conducive to innovation is crucial for researchers. The cornerstone of this endeavour is empowering them with increased autonomy in their research pursuits. As the creator of a spin-off, this autonomy serves as the catalyst propelling their technology to new levels of achievement.
At FZ Jülich's Innovation Management, researchers are equipped to tackle the challenges that come with juggling the roles of both scientist and entrepreneur. The aim is to prepare them thoroughly for this dual role.
So, what's the strategy?
FZ Jülich offers comprehensive support to researchers who are keen on launching a spin-off. Working together, they craft well-refined business plans that impress potential investors with the spin-off's potential. Moreover, the Innovation Management team guides and assists the founders throughout the entire process.
To facilitate this transition into a new career path, FZ Jülich and its partner organizations provide tailored workshops and programs. These initiatives empower founders with the essential knowledge needed to successfully launch their spin-off ventures.
In many cases, the journey towards a spin-off project begins with a personal consultation, laying the foundation for a fruitful collaboration with the Innovation Management team at FZ Jülich. So, engage with them to explore the possibilities that lie ahead.
Supporting spin-offs at the FZ Jülich
Unlocking new opportunities and skills for innovative scientists
Discover the JUICE Program, a cost-free training opportunity tailored to scientists affiliated with FZ Jülich and RWTH Aachen University who harbor untapped potential within their research endeavours or aspire to enhance their expertise for future scientific ventures and career paths.
Throughout this program, participants will be equipped to recognize promising application domains for their research and cultivate the essential skills and strategies required to translate their findings into tangible products or market-ready applications.