Modellfabrik Papier: The next step goes to Jülich

Relocation to Forschungszentrum Jülich - an important step in the research work of the "Modellfabrik Papier"

Modellfabrik Papier: Der nächste Schritt geht nach Jülich

When the idea of the paper model factory was born, we immediately found a strong and responsible partner in the city of Düren's economic development agency, WIN.DN - Wirtschafts- and Innovationsnetzwerk Düren, which supports us in all matters relating to the location. The focus of this cooperation is, of course, the new building that is being constructed in the Düren Innovation Quarter. But until then:

We found our first working home in the co-working space of WIN.DN - Wirtschafts- and Innovationsnetzwerk Düren in Düren's Pleußmühle. Professional equipment and a great environment with other Düren start-ups gave us a warm welcome.

With the approval of the funding in the summer of this year, we were able to employ our first scientists to start the operational implementation of the research projects.

And once again it was WIN.DN - Wirtschafts- and Innovationsnetzwerk Düren that helped us find a suitable interim location.

Peter Bekaert says: "For me, the move to Forschungszentrum Jülich is an important step in our research work. Here at the Institute of Plant Sciences (IGB-2) at the FZJ, we have been provided with an incomparable laboratory infrastructure so that our research team can get started right away and we can also carefully plan our laboratories for the new building. Our scientists benefit from the proximity and exchange with the employees of our research partner Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schurr. We will all gain a lot of impressions and experience by the time we move into the new building in the Düren Innovation Quarter, which we can then put into practice there."

Modellfabrik Papier: With the paper model factory, the paper industry is taking the initiative today to achieve the climate targets of tomorrow.

Contact persons

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schurr

Institutsleiter IBG-2

  • Institute of Bio- and Geosciences (IBG)
  • Plant Sciences (IBG-2)
Building 06.2 /
Room 401
+49 2461/61-3073
Modellfabrik Papier: Der nächste Schritt geht nach Jülich

Peter Bekaert

Modellfabrik Papier GmbH
Managing Director - Geschäftsführer - General Manager
Düren, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland

Last Modified: 13.12.2023