GrowScreen-Rhizo 3
High-throughput phenotyping of root and shoot traits
The installation GrowScreen-Rhizo 3 allows simultaneous and non-invasive phenotyping of root and shoot growth and architecture of crop plant species grown in soil-filled rhizotrons.
The high-throughput platform is located in the experimental greenhouse and consists of almost 900 rhizotrons with a size of 80x40x5 cm. The rhizotrons have one transparent plate to enable non-invasive root phenotyping. The inclination angle of the rhizotrons is adjusted at 45° with the transparent plate facing downwards to make roots visible and accessible for cameras.

The concept of the system is a modular plant to sensor approach. The rhizotrons are transported in groups (2 x 4 rhizotrons) to measurement stations by using AGVs (Automated Guides Vehicles). Inside the measurement stations, six images of the shoot from different view angles and one image of the whole rhizotron surface are acquired. Root traits which can be quantified are for example root lengths and spatial distribution of roots within the substrate. In addition shoot traits, such as projected leaf area and height of the shoot are analysed. The system will enable a screening of whole plant populations and gives the opportunity to identify genotypes with improved resources use efficiency.
Dr. Kerstin Nagel
Head of 'Jülich Plant Phenotyping Center'
- Institute of Bio- and Geosciences (IBG)
- Plant Sciences (IBG-2)
Room 414