The group runs the IBG-2 metabolomics platform, currently the institute is equipped with
- an Agilent GC-quad,
- an Agilent LC-triple Quad, and
- a Dionex HPAEC-PAD for sugar measurements.
These are mainly used for targeted analysis of sugars, nucleotide sugars, pigments, secondary metabolites etc. However also untargeted profiling can be performed by the GC-TOF.
In the case of cell walls the IBG-2 also has a confocal microscope to evaluate antibody stains for cell wall epitopes and (will soon have) a large scale sample preparation robot.
Dr. Holger Klose
Head of Research "Alternative Biomass"
- Institute of Bio- and Geosciences (IBG)
- Plant Sciences (IBG-2)
Building 06.2 /
Room 423
Room 423
+49 2461/61-3334
Last Modified: 10.10.2022