HBS Science Case Workshop 2017
6 -7 April 2017
Rheinhotel Schulz, Unkel, Germany
More than 30 experts from Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Hungary, England, France, and Denmark joined the recent HBS Science Case Workshop organized by the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science on 6-7 April, 2017 in Unkel, Germany.
Accelerator driven neutron sources with high brilliance neutron (HBS) provision present an alternative to nuclear reactor and spallation neutron sources to provide scientists with the required neutrons to probe the structure and dynamics of matter in many areas of science, such as in physics, chemistry, magnetism and superconcuctivity, material sciences, cultural heritage, biology, soft matter and health. A new concept for such compact accelerator-driven neutron sources is considered as an option to bring neutrons to the users, to replace the soon-to-be-closed reactor-based sources in Europe and to offer direct and easy access to neutrons for science and industry.
To discuss future use and requirements in the exploitation of such versatile and compact neutron sources, an international workshop was organized by the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) at Forschungszentrum Jülich with leading European scientists. More than 30 renowned experts from all over Europe joined the workshop and shared their experience and ideas on the concept, possibilities and requirements of the proposed accelerator-driven neutron source project. The workshop initiated many useful and profitable discussions. The participants strongly supported the idea of the integral optimization of all components of a compact accelerator-driven neutron source, as such an approach offers very competitive facilities at reasonable cost.
The resulting Science Case will be published as part of the forthcoming conceptual design report (CDR) for the high brilliance accelerator-driven neutron source planned by JCNS.