General information for all users at MLZ

Any further questions? Just contact!

Getting beam time

Deadlines for proposals at all MLZ instruments are normally twice a year, futhermore there are possibilities for Rapid Access (only selected instruments) for each cycle. Have a look at the upcoming deadlines!

Proposals have to be submitted via the Garching Online System Tool GhOST

Information on planning your experiment, writing a good proposal, and a description of the review process is available here.

Getting access to the site

Here you can find information about all you have to prepare before your visit and what will await you on-site. 

Financial support

Details on the financial support for users at the MLZ are given here. Please note that users at JCNS instruments have to contact the User Office during their visit in order to get the reimbursement form. 

Experimental report

Don’t forget to submit your report after the experiment!

Last Modified: 20.06.2022