JCNS Workshop 2010 Magnetism

Trends and Perspectives in Neutron Scattering: Magnetism and Correlated Electron Systems

4-7 October 2010, Bernried

Magnon dispersion in charge-orbital ordered La7/8Sr1/8MnO3 measured at DNS.
W. Schweika, IFF


Neutrons have a long standing tradition in the investigation of magnetic phenomena and correlated electron systems due to the magnetic moment of the neutron and the interaction of the neutron with the atomic nucleus, probing matter by weak interaction. Basic understanding of the structure of magnetic materials, origin of magnetism and superconductivity, dynamics in strong correlated electron systems and excitations in condensed matter depend and benefit strongly on investigations with neutrons. Many phenomena in these fields have been investigated und solved by applying neutron scattering techniques.
Continuous development and improvement in neutron instrumentation allowed to study smaller and smaller sample volumes, magnetic nano-materials and excitations with constantly improved energy resolution. Availability of polarized neutrons and 3-dimensional polarisation analysis also at very low temperatures in the mK range and high magnetic fields and high pressure offer unique opportunities in studying magnetism and correlated electron systems with neutrons.

In the present international workshop organized by the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science on Oct. 47 2010 the current status and future trends and possibilities of neutron scattering methods in studying structure and dynamics in magnetism and correlated electron systems will be discussed. Topics addressed include:

  • Frustrated Magnets
  • Quantum and low dimensional magnetism
  • Magneto-caloric
  • Superconductivity and pnictides
  • Multiferroics
  • Heavy fermions
  • Theory
  • New Materials and sample preparation
  • Instrumentation

The workshop will consist of invited and contributed talks and poster presentations.

Confirmed invited speakers:

  • Andrew Boothroyd, Oxford University
  • Markus Braden, Universität Köln
  • Andrew Christianson, ORNL
  • Tom Fennel, ILL
  • Arsen Goukassov, LLB
  • Karl A. Gschneidner Jr., Iowa State University
  • Dirk Johrendt, LMU München
  • Thomas Keller, MPI Stuttgart
  • Daniel Khomskii, Universität Köln
  • David Mandrus, ORNL
  • Stephen E. Nagler, ORNL
  • Christian Pfleiderer, TU München
  • Henrik Ronnow, EPFL
  • Georg Roth, RWTH Aachen
  • David J. Singh, ORNL
  • Chris Stock, ISIS
  • Oliver Stockert, MPI Dresden
  • Yixi Su, JCNS
  • Alan Tennant, HZB
  • Fangwei Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Thomas Wolf, KIT

Download Workshop Flyer (PDF, 161 kB) and Workshop Poster (PDF, 67 kB) .

The workshop is kindly supported by:

Last Modified: 08.04.2022