JCNS Workshop 2019
Trends and Perspectives in Neutron Instrumentation:
Probing Structure and Dynamics in Soft Matter
7 - 10 October 2019, Tutzing, Germany
Neutrons are a key probe providing deep insight into the structure and dynamics and thus in the functioning of synthetic and living soft matter. Understanding of the atomic and molecular function of polymers and nanocomposites are tackled by neutron methods, but also the dynamic behavior of soft matter out of equilibrium or in confinement is investigated. Here soft matter also meets biology regarding the structure and function of membrane components, proteins or complex aggregates.
The JCNS Workshop 2019 held in Tutzing, Germany on 7-10 October, 2019, will bring together experts in neutron scattering methods with users from soft matter and biology to review techniques and provide the opportunity for the community to discuss current limitations, new capabilities, and future developments.
Flyer & Poster
Flyer: JCNSWorkshop2019Flyer_pdf (PDF, 270 kB)
Poster: JCNSWorkshop2019Poster_pdf (PDF, 80 kB)
For all questions regarding the registration and the workshop, please, contact the local organizing committee
Monika Krug | Tel: +49-89-289-11664 |
Thomas Gutberlet | Tel: +49-2461-61-5577 |
E-mail: | jcns-workshop@fz-juelich.de |