6th Joint Workshop of RIKEN RAP and JCNS
01 - 02 December 2022, by virutal workshop
The Japanese RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics (RAP) and the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) held their sixth joint workshop on compact accelerator-driven neutron sources (CANS) from 01-02 December 2022 at a virtual workshop. The event tackled common research topics regarding the development of accelerator technologies, target and moderator systems for CANS and instrument developments at both institutes.
The virtual event started with a brief introduction by Dr. Yoshie Otake to welcome the participants from Japan and Germany. The first day of the two day meeting was devoted to the development of the HBS target-moderator shielding prototype, the optimization of the TMR unit, the development of cold and epithermal neutron moderators, the development of stroboscopic imaging technique , neutron monitoring systems and radiation safety issues.
The second day focused on the development and experiments with the RANS-μ source setup to probe salt concentration in concrete bridges, the development of a powder diffractometer at HBS, prompt gamma neutron activation analysis at HBS and the instrument suite for the HBS test facility at the COSY facility. Further topics were the development of the RANS linac systems, software for the processing of neutron imaging data and the development of time-of-flight neutron diffraction techniques for stress measurements. The workshop was brought to a close by a presentation on the T-RANS initiative in Japan to involve industry in the use of compact neutron sources.
The workshop provided a forum for lively discussions on the topics presented. All partcipants expressed great interest in continuing the exchange and in holding the next meeting in person at one of the institutions, replacing the virtual online meetings which have taken place out of necessity over the last few years.