LENS Colloquium Underlines Importance of Research with Neutrons for EU’s Science Policy Goals

28 February 2020

The League of advanced European Neutron Sources (LENS), a consortium of European neutron research facilities, including Forschungszentrum Jülich, held a science and policy colloquium on 11 February in Brussels on the topic “How neutrons contribute to mission-based research”.

The event brought together members of the European neutron science community, several representatives of the European Commission and representatives of the LENS sister consortium League of European Accelerator-based Photon Sources LEAPS. A detailed report of the event, comments from participants along with a picture gallery can be found on the LENS homepage.

Panel discussion during the LENS colloquium, from left: Maria Paula M. Marques, Kristina Edström, Allan Larsson, Adam Tyson, Wim Bouwman and Helmut Schober.
Lenka Petková/ESS
Last Modified: 14.03.2022