DFG Priority Programme "Microswimmers"
Priority Programme “Microswimmers – From Single Particle Motion to Collective Behaviour” (SPP 1726)
Call for Proposals - Review Meeting
Review Meeting
The evaluation of the applications for the first funding period of the SPP 1726 "Microswimmers - from single particle motion to collective behaviour" will be held during a review meeting from 02-03 December 2013 at:
Forschungszentrum caesar, Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 2, 53175 Bonn, in the Auditorium
Start: 02.12.2013 at 13:00 pm
Close: 03.12.2013 at 10:00 am
A light lunch will be offered before the start of proceedings.
Please note that all posters must be presented in portrait format.
Monday, 2 December 2013
13:15 Welcome Address, Auditorium
13:20 Coordinator's Opening Remarks, Auditorium
14:00 — 16:10 Poster Session I (Poster 1-29), A.0G1.3.05/3.07
16:10 — 16:30 Coffee Break
16:30 — 18:40 Poster Session II (Poster 30-57)
18:45 — 19:15 Refreshments
19:15 Announcement of the Posters for Poster Session III
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
08:45 — 09:45 Poster Session III, A.0G1.3.05/3.07
15:00 Close of the Review Meeting
Applicants to this round of funding have been allocated a hotel room (single, non-smoking), reserved for the night of 02.12.2013 at the
Langer Grabenweg 68
53175 Bonn
Phone: 0049 228 8107-221, Fax: 0049 228 8107-198
For more information about the room allocation, please contact Professor Gompper or Frau Paffen
(email: spp-microswimmers@fz-juelich.de; telephone: 02461-613142
If,for whatever reason, you are unable to attend, please nominate a representative to take your place and inform Ms Monika Kampmann by email at monika.kampmann@dfg.de .
General information
The electronic portal “ELAN” with proposal instructions and guidelines can be found at:
The proposal instruction and guidelines are also available at:
For scientific enquiries please contact the programme coordinator:
Professor Gerhard Gompper,
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institute of Complex Systems (ICS),
Phone: 02461 / 61-4012
Email: spp-microswimmers@fz-juelich.de
For administrative enquiries please contact:
Dr. Cosima Schuster
Phone: +49 228 885-2769
Email: cosima.schuster@dfg.de