Other talks 2021

Intricate dynamics of erythrocytes in complex flows
Institute for Multiscale Thermofluids, The University of Edinburgh, onlineonline, online, 28 May 2021 - 28 May 20212021-05-282021-05-28 BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS

’Unexpected’ results during blood flow research
Department of Physics, Saarland University, onlineonline, online, 19 Mar 2021 - 19 Mar 20212021-03-192021-03-19 BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS

Squirmers - From Hydrodynamic Propulsion to Active Turbulence
Summer school “Mobility, self-organization and swimming strategies”, NiceNice, France, 18 Oct 2021 - 29 Oct 20212021-10-182021-10-29 BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS

Computational Physics of Active Filaments, Membranes, and Cells
Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group (TCBG) seminar series at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champain, IllinoisIllinois, USA, 22 Apr 2021 - 22 Apr 20212021-04-222021-04-22 BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS

Multiparticle Collision Dynamics: A method to unravel the hydrodynamic properties of active matter
Initial Training on Numerical Methods for Active Matter, University of Lisbon, onlineonline, online, 18 Jan 2021 - 4 Feb 20212021-01-182021-02-04 BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS

Relevance of hydrodynamic interactions in the collective properties thermophoretic microswimmers
VSR-Seminar, Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC), onlineonline, online, 28 Apr 2021 - 28 Apr 20212021-04-282021-04-28 BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS

Last Modified: 14.06.2024