
The AgraSim research platform combines experimental and numerical simulations to holistically study the effects of future climate scenarios on agricultural systems. The platform is divided into two closely interconnected core areas: the AgraSim Experiment and AgraSim Modeling.

In the experiment, real-time data on interactions between climate, plants, soils, and their management are collected. These data are directly incorporated into individual numerical simulations conducted on the high-performance computers at Forschungszentrum Jülich. By integrating these simulations, a digital twin of the studied systems is created. This twin serves not only as a dynamic reference system used for ongoing optimization of experimental initial conditions but also provides data for improving global ecosystem and climate models.

This innovative combination of experimental and numerical simulation is a globally unique approach that enables reliable predictions of the effects of future climate conditions on agriculture. The goal is to develop well-founded strategies for sustainable and resilient agriculture.


AgraSim Experiment

A central element of the experimental infrastructure comprises six identical units, known as mesocosms, which simulate all critical processes within closed agricultural ecosystems under controlled conditions. Each mesocosm includes four components.


A temperature-controlled and weighable soil unit, sealed gas-tight to a plant chamber.

plant chamber

A transparent, fully regulated chamber in which climate factors such as CO₂ concentration, humidity, temperature and precipitation can be precisely set and monitored over longer periods of time or adapted to specific climate scenarios, using an automated process control system, housed within a fully controlled climate chamber.

climate chamber

A chamber that stabilizes the temperature control of the plant chamber and is equipped with a multi-channel LED lighting system that simulates a near-natural light spectrum with full sunlight intensity, connected to a real-time analysis system.

real-time analysis system

Analysis system for all fundamental processes in agricultural ecosystems at high temporal resolution, including monitoring of soil water balance, gas exchange between soil/plant/atmosphere, nutrient and water use efficiency, carbon and greenhouse gas balances, and evaporation rates.

The design of this research approach is based on the expertise of the IBG-3 Agrosphere Institute in Plant-soil-atmosphere exchange processes under the leadership of Prof. Nicolas Brüggemann. The facility was developed and constructed in close collaboration with engineers from the Institute of Technology and Engineering Sciences (ITE), led by Joschka Neumann. The operation of this entirely in-house developed infrastructure is continuously supported by local engineering expertise, which represents a significant strength of AgraSim and ensures the highest scientific precision and data quality.


AgraSim Modeling

The data collected in the experiment form the basis for extensive numerical simulations performed on the high-performance computers of the Jülich Supercomputing Center (JSC) at Forschungszentrum Jülich. To realistically depict fundamental processes in the soil-plant-atmosphere system and their complex interactions, models operating on different scales are used.

Integrating these individual models results in a comprehensive digital twin of the studied agricultural ecosystems. This twin not only validates and continuously optimizes the experimental conditions but also enhances predictive accuracy and the quality of the generated data through iterative model calibration.


Outlook: Shaping the Agriculture of the Future

Through the unique combination of experimentation, analysis, and modeling, AgraSim establishes an unprecedented platform for studying the effects of climate change on agriculture. The insights contribute to developing strategies for sustainable agriculture and deriving concrete recommendations for crop cultivation and soil management.

The results provide crucial insights into:

  • The impacts of future climate conditions on all key biogeochemical, soil hydrological, and plant physiological processes in agricultural ecosystems,
  • Nutrient and water use efficiency as well as the quantity and quality of yields under changing climate conditions,
  • The future of carbon storage in soils,
  • Quantification of the climate-relevant feedback effects of agroecosystems on the climate system and atmospheric composition, such as evaporation and greenhouse gas emissions.

With these data, AgraSim makes a significant contribution to developing resilient agricultural systems and ensuring global food security - a vital response to the global climate challenges.



Prof. Dr. Nicolas Brüggemann

Head of research group "Plant-Soil-Atmosphere Exchange Processes"

  • Institute of Bio- and Geosciences (IBG)
  • Agrosphere (IBG-3)
Building 16.6z /
Room 3058
+49 2461/61-8643
  • Institute of Technology and Engineering (ITE)
Building 03.21 /
Room 4014
+49 2461/61-9453
  • Institute of Bio- and Geosciences (IBG)
  • Agrosphere (IBG-3)
Building 16.6 /
Room 2020
+49 2461/61-3179

Dr. Marie-Isabel Ludwig

Wissenstransfer und Kommunikation

  • Institute of Bio- and Geosciences (IBG)
  • Agrosphere (IBG-3)
Building 16.6 /
Room 3037
+49 2461/61-9012
Last Modified: 12.12.2024