Plant-Soil-Atmosphere Exchange Processes
The aim of the research unit "Plant-Soil-Atmosphere Exchange Processes" is to quantify the fluxes of matter and isotopes between plants, soil and atmosphere and to investigate the underlying biogeochemical and physical processes in a range of ecosystems from arable land to grassland and forests, with a particular focus on the effects of global change. The ultimate goal is to develop management options to optimize water and nutrient use efficiency in cropping systems, minimize nutrient losses to the environment and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere.
Research Topics
The experimental methods used range from laboratory-scale soil incubations to climate chamber and lysimeter experiments as well as field studies. The analytical methods include the determination of soil microbial biomass and activity, elemental analysis, gas chromatography, isotope ratio mass spectrometry and isotope-specific online laser absorption spectrometry. One unique research infrastructure that we have developed and use for our research is the AgraSim experimental research facility.