Vadose Zone Hydrogeophysics
Hydrogeophysics deals with the use of geophysical measurements for estimating parameters and monitoring processes that are important to hydrological studies. In this research area, the focus is on the study of vadose zone processes using non-invasive imaging and hydrogeophysical methods. A wide range of methods is used, including electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), spectral induced polarization (SIP), electrical impedance tomography (EIT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as well as x-ray computed tomography (XRCT).
Research Topics
- Field evaluation of surface and borehole electrical impedance tomography
- Imaging subsurface structures using electromagnetic induction measurements
- Non-invasive imaging to understand how fluid-solid reactions affect flow and transport in porous media
- Estimation of root-zone soil moisture from gamma radiation measurements
- PALM-IRRI: Improving irrigation efficiency of date palms
Last Modified: 12.12.2024