Soil organic matter dynamics and elemental cycles


The aim of the research group "Soil organic matter dynamics and elemental cycles" is an improved understanding of the origins, residence time, cycling and priming of organic matter and elements (N, P, K, Ca, Si, Fe etc.) in the soil-plant system and from there into surface- and groundwater.
A key aspect of the research is how isotope signatures can be used as tracers of carbon and other elements and sediments in the environment (using IRMS, ICP-MS and FT-ICR-MS approaches). The research is focused on site at Wűstebach, Rollesbroich and Selhausen which are part of the Tereno Eifel/Lower Rhine Valley terrestrial observatory in Germany.

Research Topics

  • Obtain information on the origin, residence time, cycling and priming of organic matter and elements (N, P, K, Ca, Si, Fe etc.) in the soil-plant system and from there into surface- and groundwater.

  • Improve the understanding of the complex carbon and nutrient biogeochemistry processes and interactions that occur at the field and catchment scale.
  • Examine using novel and robust high resolution tools and technologies the variable, multiple dimensional impacts of natural and anthropogenic environmental perturbations on biogeochemical cycles.
  • Collect field and laboratory based scientific information to provide options to manage natural and managed systems in a sustainable manner within a systems biogeochemistry framework.


Dr. Roland Bol


Building 16.6 / Room 3061

+49 2461/61-6653


Last Modified: 12.12.2024