Daily TerrSysMP monitoring runs for NRW and European model domain by HPSC TerrSys
The Centre for High-Performance Scientific Computing in Terrestrial Systems (HPSC TerrSys), with IBG-3 members Stefan Kollet, Fabian Gasper, and Klaus Görgen, is operating TerrSysMP in a forecasting setup over North Rhine-Westphalia and Europe. The model results are made publicly available daily as videos via the YouTube Channel of HPSC TerrSys. The fully coupled TerrSysMP is initialized every day in the early morning hours in a two- and six-node configuration on the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) JURECA HPC system for a lead time of a day for the SFB/TR32 NRW domain at 1km/0.5km spatial resolution and about 3 days at 12km resolution for the EURO-CORDEX pan-European model domain. The simulations encompass different fluxes and states of the terrestrial hydrologic and energy cycles from aquifers across the land surface into the atmosphere. The atmospheric boundary conditions are kindly provided by the ECMWF for the European and the DWD for the NRW simulations. Although the creation and publication of the results are fully automatic, the system is not considered and meant in any way as an "operational forecast" but rather a "monitoring run". It can be used to gain further insight in TerrSysMP physics features, it helps with technical model development, but primarily, it provides an insight in the fully coupled terrestrial water budgets. Current developments focus on the optimisation of the diagnostics and visualization. Longer-term future plans are an extension towards ensemble model runs and data assimilation. In order to stay informed on all future developments, subscribe to the YouTube channel and also the Twitter account @HPSCTerrSys.