Early-career Scientist Receives Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis

March 1, 2011


Dr. Dmitry Fedosov of the Jülich Institute of Complex Systems has received the Nicholas Metropolis Award for his doctoral thesis on computer modelling of soft matter and blood flow. The American Physical Society (APS) presents the distinction for outstanding doctoral thesis work in the area of computational physics annually. Fedosov received the award, consisting of $ 1,500 and an invitation to present his work at the Division of Computational Physics during the APS annual March meeting in Dallas, Texas. He will be presented with a certificate at an awards ceremony during the meeting.

As part of his doctoral thesis work, Fedosov improved a red blood cell model and developed an algorithm that allows flow modelling over a wide range of spatiotemporal scales. This allows multiscale phenomena such as cell adhesion or blood shear-thinning to be considered more realistically. The modelling system can be used for quantitative predictions of blood flow, for instance, under healthy conditions or in diseases such as malaria or the hereditary disease sickle cell anaemia, which alter the biophysical properties of red blood cells. Another potential area of application is the development of microfluidic systems ("lab on a chip").

Fedosov was born in Russia. He completed his doctoral thesis at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. Since 2010, he has been working as a postdoc at the Institute of Complex Systems, Theoretical Soft Matter and Biophysics (ICS-2 / IAS-2).

Further information:

Institute of Complex Systems, Theoretical Soft Matter and Biophysics (ICS-2 / IAS-2): http://www.fz-juelich.de/ics/ics-2/EN

About Dmitry Fedosov: http://www.fz-juelich.de/ics/Fedosov_D

Last Modified: 14.06.2024