Quantum Mechanics Illustrated Intuitively By Neutron Scattering

JCNS Releases Two Videos for Science Students and Teachers

13 July 2016

Quantum mechanics is one of the central pillars of modern physics. This mathematically complex theory which allows the properties and laws of matter to be described is, however, rather difficult to understand intuitively. Generations of young scientists have approached this difficult concept with the help of double-slit experiments that clearly demonstrate wave - particle duality. Two new videos from the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) offer a practical alternative to this. They clarify fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics using neutron scattering experiments from research undertaken at the Jülich institute.

The videos are around 5 and 4 minutes in length respectively, and are appropriate for use in an introductory lecture course in quantum mechanics or for self-study purposes. Video 1 looks at the topics of quantization, quantum phase transitions and scattering at lattices; Video 2 deals in more detail with quantum phase transitions.

View and download the videos along with background information and interviews with the scientists involved 

Last Modified: 14.03.2022