Returning to Work

The process of returning to work and the extent to which contact is maintained during and after parental leave, caregiver leave, or special leave should be tailored to individual needs. This overview helps employees and senior employees to approach situations depending on the specific requirements and allows for individual planning.
1. Before parental leave, caregiver leave, or special leave
- The employee informs their boss of their intention to take leave.
- Schedule a planning meeting between the employee and their boss (this meeting should take place no later than four months before the period of leave is due to begin).
- For special leave and caregiver leave, it is often impossible to plan in advance. In such cases, the planning meeting should take place as soon as possible to ensure a successful return to work.
- Use the quick guide provided for the planning meeting (available from BfC).
2. During parental leave, caregiver leave, or special leave
3. Towards the end of parental leave, caregiver leave, or special leave
4. Returning to work
Margaretha Wirtz
Referentin für die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Sorgearbeit Spokesperson for reconciling work and care work
- Equal Opportunities Bureau (BfC)
Building 04.7 /
Room 315
Room 315
+49 2461/61-2624
Last Modified: 31.05.2022