Female Voice

What’s it all about?

FemaleVoice is the women’s network at and for Forschungszentrum Jülich. In addition to the typical goals of networks, such as sharing information and experiences and building contacts, FemaleVoice aims to proactively address topics that support gender equality at Forschungszentrum Jülich. We want to be seen and heard, to actively contribute our perspectives and experiences to activities, projects, programmes, and meetings, and thus to play a role in shaping matters related to gender equality.

Target ausdience

The target audience of our network is very broad. All women and employees who identify as women at Forschungszentrum Jülich are invited to join the network, to participate in its activities, or to actively initiate and shape activities themselves. However, other genders are not excluded from taking part. Aside from safe spaces for women, the network’s activities and services will be open to all employees whenever it makes sense, especially when it comes to making visible the barriers that exist for women in science or in their careers.


Female Voice

“Increase Female Wikibility”: Wikipedia Entries for Jülich’s Female Scientists, Female Voice Lunch Meetings and more

Female Voice launched the initiative 'Increase Female Wiki-bility' in 2022 to publish Wikipedia articles about female scientists from Jülich, thereby making women in science more visible to the general public. As of June 2024, only 18.8% of all English and 17.9% of all German biographies on Wikipedia are about women. Specifically, two Write'athon events (writing workshops) have been held so far. To continue the initiative throughout the year, we have set up a Wiki Club - a kind of Wikipedia online meeting place at FZJ. There are regular online meetings and everyone is welcome to collaborate on Wikipedia articles.

Additionally, we are currently organizing regular lunch meetings where women at FZJ can get to know each other informally and engage in casual conversations across topics and positions. We are also continuously planning new activities and events on topics of particular interest to the community.


Dr.-Ing. Freia HarzendorfBuilding 03.2 / Room 3004+49 2461/61-6556
Dr. Ramona KloßWissenschaftliche KoordinatorinBuilding 15.7 / Room 206a+49 2461/61-9066
Cristina ManzanoBuilding 16.4 / Room 226+49 2461/61-1958
Anna LührsBuilding 16.3 / Room 362+49 2461/61-8931
Last Modified: 04.07.2024