Publications 2004  ;  ;  ;
Joint Distributions of the Unsaturated Soil Hydraulic Parameters and their Effect on Other Variates
Vadose zone journal 3, 947 - 955 () BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS  ;
In Situ Long-Term Chloride Transport through a Layered, Nonsaturated Subsoil . 1 . Data Set, Interpolation Methodology, and Results
Vadose zone journal 3, 1322 - 1330 () BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS  ;
In Situ Long-Term Chloride Transport through a Layered, Nonsaturated Subsoil . 2 . Effect of Layering on Solute Transport Processes
Vadose zone journal 3, 1331 - 1339 () BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS  ;
Crosshole IP imaging for engineering and environmental applications
Geophysics 69, 97 - 107 () [10.1190/1.1649379] BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS  ;  ;  ;  ;
Enumeration of soil bacteria with the green fluorescent nucleic acid dye Sytox green in the presence of soil particles
Journal of microbiological methods 59, 189 - 198 () [10.1016/j.mimet.2004.07.004] BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS  ;  ;  ;
Evaluation of ab initio methods for the calculation of 13C NMR shifts of metabolites of methabenzthiaruzon
Journal of molecular structure / Theochem 712, () [10.1016/j.theochem.2004.10.027] BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS  ;  ;  ;
Photodegradation and Volatility of Pesticides : chamber experiments
Environmental science and pollution research 11, 107 - 120 () [10.1007/BF02979710] BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS  ;
Computations on the Volatilisation of the Fungicide Fenpropimorph from Plants in a Wind Tunnel
Water, air & soil pollution 157, 133 - 148 () [10.1023/B:WATE.0000038883.86688.83] BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS  ;
On Ethylene Polymerisation with Aluminium and Scandium Complexes: DFT and Post-HF Calculations
Macromolecular theory and simulations 13, 133 - 139 () [10.1002/mats.200300007] BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS  ;
Reaction rates of heavy metal ions at geoethite: relaxation experiments and modeling
Journal of colloid and interface science 269, 131 - 142 () [10.1016/j.jcis.2003.07.043] BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS  ;
Ionization of short polymethacrylic acid: titration, DLS and model calculations
Journal of colloid and interface science 273, 369 - 380 () [10.1016/j.jcis.2004.02.047] BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS  ;  ;  ;
Imaging of water content distributions inside a lysimeter using GPR tomography
Vadose zone journal 3, 1106 - 1115 () BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS  ;  ;  ;  ;
Defining Bioavailability and Bioaccessibility of Contaminated Soil and Sediment is Complicated
Environmental Science & Technology 38, 228A - 231A () [10.1021/es040548w] BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS  ;  ;  ;
Sporeforming bacteria, a major group among potential antagonists isolated from composts used by organic farmers
Indian journal of microbiology 44, 85 - 90 () BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS  ;  ;  ;  ;
Numerical Modeling of Large Scale Transport of Comtaminant Solutes Using the Global Random Walk Algorithm
Monte Carlo methods and applications 10, 153 - 177 () [10.1163/156939604777303235] BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS  ;  ;  ;
Induced polarization of unsaturated sands determined through time-domain measurements
Vadose zone journal 3, 1160 - 1168 () BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS  ;  ;  ;  ;
The role of reactive surface sites and complexation by humic acids in the interaction of clay mineral and iron oxide particles
Organic geochemistry 35, 257 - 267 () [10.1016/j.orggeochem.2003.11.002] BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS  ;  ;  ;  ;
'Biogeosystems: Dynamics, Adaptation and Adjustment' - Programme 4 within the Helmholtz Research Field 'Earth and Environment'
Gaia 13, 67 - 69 () BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS  ;  ;  ;
Hydrogeophysics: An Introduction from Guest Editors
Vadose zone journal 3, 1060 - 1062 () BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;
Pesticide volatilization from plants: improvement of the PEC model PELMO based on a boundary-layer concept
Environmental Science & Technology 38, 2885 - 2893 () [10.1021/es035061m] BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS  ;  ;
An improved description of the pesticide volatilization from soil: refinement of the Pesticide Leaching Model (PELMO)
Journal of environmental quality 33, 1629 - 1637 () BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS  ;  ;
Hydrotalcite : a potential sorbent for the removal of 2,4-dichlorophenol
Turkish journal of engineering & environmental sciences 28, 41 - 49 () BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS

Last Modified: 25.07.2024