European Energy Transition: Germany in the Heart of Europe
In their recent study, researchers at Jülich System Analysis are investigating Europe and how Germany will be embedded in the future European energy system up to 2050, focusing on the issues of energy origin, transportation and storage. The scenarios were calculated using the ETHOS model suite with regional and hourly resolution. Imports, nuclear energy and energy transportation and storage were also considered.
The study "Germany at the Heart of Europe" was presented at a press conference in Berlin on the 30th of October.
An English version of the presentations of the key messages and detailed results are available for download below.
The link to the press release (only in German) can be found here.
Authors of the study: Theresa Klütz, Philipp Dunkel, Jochen Linßen, and Detlef Stolten, with the support of the Jülich systems analysis team.