2nd German workshop on structural predictions of membrane proteins: From ion channels to G protein-coupled receptors
February 7–8, 2023
Venue: Central Library (ZB), building 04.7, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Following the successful first edition of the workshop in 2019, this meeting will gather together German researchers to highlight current challenges and future perspectives in molecular simulation and bioinformatics approaches to be applied to GPCR and ion channel modelling. Moreover, this second edition of the workshop aims at bridging the structural dimension of membrane proteins with signalling events. We are really glad that the workshop is supported from the DynIon DFG research group, which is devoted to promoting unattainable synergy between computer simulations and experiments to the study of ion channels and transporters, and is also supported from the RTG2416 MultiSenses – MultiScales, which aims at understanding the mechanisms that govern crossmodal integration of sensory information at multiple scales.
Registration is free but required.
The Organizers
Paolo Carloni (Forschungszentrum Jülich and RWTH Aachen University)
Antonella Di Pizio (Leibniz-Institute for Food Systems Biology at the TUM)