The staff of our institute is crucial to our success, and we are happy that people from all over the world come to work with us. The institute consists of approximately 10 senior scientists, 4 junior research group leaders, 20 postdoctoral fellows, 10 graduate students and some master's students, scholars and our secretary. Together they create a very pleasant working atmosphere in our institute. We work on a very broad spectrum of issues related to theoretical physics of electrons in real materials. Joining efforts enables us to do a lot of interesting research. We apply for independent third-party funding, and strive to provide a good working environment offering an excellent technical infrastructure in our institute.Last updated: 19.10.2020
Each year, we publish about 50 scientific papers in international peer-reviewed ISI-listed journals, present about 80 presentations at conferences and scientific meetings and around 20-30 invited lectures at universities. In addition, we organize international conferences, workshops and schools.
Once or twice a year, our institute enjoys a staff outing. In summer 2012, for the first time our institute achieved third place in the soccer tournament of Forschungszentrum Jülich.
Our institute is the home of four Young Investigator Research Groups, and three University-Helmholtz Research Groups (Computational Nanoferronics Laboratory, Topological Nanoelectronics Group, Functional Nanoscale Structure Probe and Simulation Laboratory) funded by the Helmholtz Association, Forschungszentrum Jülich and our institute.
At present, three of our members are qualified to teach at university level, and all are currently lecturing at RWTH Aachen University. Our Masters and PhD students mainly graduate from RWTH Aachen University. This connects our research in concrete terms