Spin dynamics group
The group focuses on the thermodynamic properties of topological solitons and spin wave phenomena in ordered magnetic crystals.Topological magnetic solitons represent localized in-space magnetic textures with nontrivial topology, which prevents the decay of such textures without the formation of high-energy singular states -- Bloch points. Magnetic solitons possess particle-like properties, meaning that they may move and interact with each other and the environment. The motion of magnetic solitons can be triggered in different ways, for instance, with the varying in space and time magnetic field, electric current, temperature gradients, etc. Currently, the group focuses on the properties of 2D and 3D magnetic solitons in chiral magnets and magnets with frustrated exchange interactions. We widely use analytical methods provided by the continuum model of micromagnetics but also use the numerical simulations with free and open source software ({OOMMF} [https://math.nist.gov/oommf/], {mumax} [https://mumax.github.io/]) and commercial software ({Excalibur} [http://quantumandclassical.com/excalibur/]) developed by our partners. We also develop our own software for spin dynamics simulations ({magnoom} [https://github.com/n-s-kiselev/magnoom]). The group also focuses on the study of magnetic singularities and spin-wave phenomena in magnetically ordered systems.
Research Topics
- Thermodynamic properties of topological magnetic solitons and topological defects, e.g., skyrmions, {hopfions}[http://hopfion.com], and Bloch points.
- Diversity of magnetic solitons in various magnetic crystals.
- Stability range and nucleation/annihilation of magnetic solitons.
- Role of the topology and symmetry of magnetic solitons in their dynamics.
- Role of geometrical confinement on the thermodynamic properties of magnetic solitons.
- Spin wave phenomena in magnetic crystals of confined geometry.
- Development of various numerical methods related to spin dynamics simulation and postprocessing of the data.
- Development of the free and open source code for spin dynamic simulations with OpenGL-based GUI: https://github.com/n-s-kiselev/magnoom
- Our recent publication in Nature Physics has been highlighted by {Phys.org}[https://phys.org/news/2022-07-skyrmions-antiskyrmions-coexist-temperatures.html]
- We advice to take a look at special issue on {Science and Technology of 3D Magnetic Nanostructures} [https://publishing.aip.org/publications/journals/special-topics/apl-materials/science-and-technology-of-3d-magnetic-nanostructures/]
in APL Materials, where there are many interesting papers, including three of our own, that have been published recently. - Unsere aktuelle Veröffentlichung in Nature Physics wurde von {Phys.org}[https://phys.org/news/2022-07-skyrmions-antiskyrmions-coexist-temperatures.html] hervorgehoben.
- Wir empfehlen, einen Blick auf die Sonderausgabe {Science and Technology of 3D Magnetic Nanostructures} zu werfen [https://publishing.aip.org/publications/journals/special-topics/apl-materials/science-and-technology-of-3d-magnetic-nanostructures/] in der Zeitschrift APL Materials, in der viele interessante Artikel, darunter drei von uns, veröffentlicht wurden.