INM-7 Blog

Das INM-7 hat einen eigenen Blog mit dem Titel "You and your Brain", der von Anna Geiger verfasst wurde. Hier wird über die Forschung, Projekte und weiteren Aktivitäten des INM-7 auf dem Laufenden gehalten. Sie werden viel über die Organisation und die Variabilität des menschlichen Gehirns erfahren und darüber, wie Neuroimaging-Daten genutzt werden können, um individuelle Rückschlüsse auf Alter, Geschlecht, Persönlichkeit, kognitive Fähigkeiten und pathologische Vorhersagen zu ziehen. Darüber hinaus erhalten Sie einen persönlichen Blick hinter die Kulissen.
Hier finden Sie Links zu den einzelnen Blog-Einträgen:
25th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping In June several colleagues of our institute visited the 25th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) in Rome. The aim of this international organization is to improve the understanding of the brain’s anatomical and functional organization by means of neuroimaging. Here, researchers from different domains like MRI, fMRI, PET, EEG/MEG and other cutting edge approaches such as electrophysiology, preclinical imaging, neuroepidemiology and genetics come together to present their research findings or methods by means of symposia, keynote lectures or posters. Moreover, especially for PhD students, educational courses and a hackathon are provided to promote education in human brain organization. With by now more than 4000 attendees, this conference belongs to one of the biggest ones in its field. |
Time for Change – Improving Women’s Status in (Neuro)Science When I started my bachelor in psychology, I fell in love with the brain and its functions immediately. I was so passionate about it that next to my studies I engaged in voluntary internships and worked as a student assistant in several studies. I think that neuroscience is a highly interesting domain as researches have the opportunity to investigate their own scientific questions with the possibility to revolutionize our understanding of the human brain one day. However, what I realized during my studies is that most of the students were female whereas later on, higher positions are mainly engaged by men. Due to some underlying reasons it might be difficult for women to keep female majority with progressing career. |
My First Business Trip – VirtualBrainCloud Kick-Off Meeting in Berlin At the end of January, I had my first business trip to Berlin joining the VirtualBrainCloud kick-off meeting. Find out more about my personal experiences. |