First joint lab retreat of Sachse group EMBL and ER‑C‑3 Forschungszentrum Jülich in May
From May 2 to 4, two groups of the Sachse lab met close to Jülich for their first joint retreat to discuss ongoing and prospective cryo-EM/autophagy research at the two sites.
The attendees held seminars at the Haus Overbach campus in Barmen and visited the Forschungszentrum. They visited the Jülich supercomputing centre (JSC) and the Ernst Ruska-Centre that will soon house two state-of-the-art electron cryo-microscopes. Future wet-lab laboratories are currently upgraded and refurbished to well-equipped molecular biology labs. During the retreat there was also ample time reserved to propose new ideas and discuss novel scientific directions in an informal environment. All retreat participants went back to their home base inspired by the discussions with a boost in motivation to implement the new ideas in the context of their ongoing projects.