Leadership at Forschungszentrum Jülich
Here you will find an overview of the leadership development offers for you as a leader.
Below you will find important information for new executives at Forschungszentrum Jülich. The links will take you to the intranet of Forschungszentrum.
As a leader, you will be invited by Leadership Development to a Leadership Onboaridng Talk at the beginning of your new position. At Leadership Onboarding, you will have the opportunity to engage with your own executive and a leadership developer from P-E on the topic of leadership at FZJ. You will also receive an overview of support services and determine your individual development plan.
Of course, you can also contact the Leadership Development team afterwards with your questions and development needs.
For further information on preparation, please refer to the following pages on the intranet:
Geschäftsbereich Personal Human Resources
Geschäftsbereich Personal Human Resources
Geschäftsbereich Personal Human Resources
Geschäftsbereich Personal Human Resources