High-performance scientific computing in C++ (PRACE training course, online)
(Course no. 1602022 in the training programme 2022 of Forschungszentrum Jülich)
This course will take place as an online event. The link to the streaming platform will be provided to the registrants only.
Modern C++, with its support for procedural, objected oriented, generic and functional programming styles, offers many powerful abstraction mechanisms to express complexity at a high level while remaining very efficient. It is therefore the language of choice for many scientific projects. The approval of the latest language standard, C++20, has also opened up new abstraction layers and new exciting ways to organize code at all levels. However, achieving high performance by today's standards requires understanding and exploiting multiple levels of parallelism, as well as understanding C++ code from a performance centric viewpoint.
In this course, the participants will learn how to write C++ programs which better utilize typical HPC hardware resources of the present day. The course is geared towards scientists and engineers already familiar with C++17, who wish to develop maintainable and fast applications. Since C++20 is a relatively large structural change of the C++ language, similar to C++11, novel ways to write expressive, maintainable and fast code are now available to C++ programmers, which will be introduced in the course. The participants will learn techniques to better utilize CPU caches, instruction pipelines, SIMD functionality and multi-threading. Shared memory parallel programming on multiple CPU cores will be introduced using standard C++ parallel STL and Intel (R) Threading Building Blocks. The participants will also learn basic GPGPU programming using C++ template based generic programming techniques.
This course is a PRACE training course.
Contents level | in hours | in % |
Beginner's contents: | 0 h | 0 % |
Intermediate contents: | 9.5 h | 40 % |
Advanced contents: | 14.5 h | 60 % |
Community-targeted contents: | 0 h | 0 % |
Good working knowledge of C++, especially the C++17 standard.
Please check with these questions whether your C++ knowlegde fulfills the requirements.
Target audience:
Advanced C++ programmers who want to use C++ on high-performance systems
This course is given in English.
4 days
7-10 June 2022, 09:00-16:30
mornings: 3 lectures with very short exercises - 09:00-10:00, 10:15-11:15, 11:30-12:30
afternoons: intensive exercises - 13:30-16:30
Number of Participants:
minimum 5, maximum 28
Dr. Sandipan Mohanty, JSC
- Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS)
- Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)
Room 4011