
The Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) has about 300 staff members. It provides leading-edge supercomputer resources, IT tools, methods, and know-how for researchers at FZJ and for researchers participating in more than 200 German and European projects through the John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC), the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS) and the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE). To ensure optimal mapping of methods, models and algorithms needed by users of high-end supercomputing, JSC on the one hand provides - in addition to basic user support - expert advice via its Algorithms, Tools and Methods Labs (ATMLs) in mathematical methods and algorithms, performance analysis or visualization and, on the other hand, in community oriented high-level research and support, the Simulation and Data Laboratories (SDLs). They support applications in different fields of natural sciences ranging from biology to physics, materials science as well as climate research and terrestrial systems. At the same time, the SDLs conduct their own research on topics in their specific domains.

As a leading research institute in computational science, JSC is involved, to a large extent as founder or co-founder, in numerous national and international research collaborations including PRACE, ETP4HPC and - among others - eight EU Horizon2020 funded Centres of Excellence. In addition, JSC’s research focuses on technology developments in cooperation with industrial and academic partners, e.g. in the Exascale Labs PADC, ECL, and NVIDIA Lab, in EU FET HPC projects, e.g. the DEEP project series as well as in three EuroHPC Pilot Projects. This involves exploration of opportunities provided by new architectures, innovative networks or accelerators like GPUs, FPGAs, or Intel MICs as well as entirely novel approaches such as neuromorphic computing and, in particular, quantum computing. Furthermore, the JSC is leading the High Performance Analytics and Computing (HPAC) Platform subproject of the Human Brain Project, a EU flagship project that aims at developing an open research infrastructure for brain research. JSC also conducts R&D in the creation and development of federated systems and infrastructures specifically designed to support the secure, efficient and sustainable management, integration and analysis of Big Scientific Data on a nation-wide, European and international level.

Last but not least, JSC carries out educational activities in cooperation with the Aachen University of Applied Sciences by means of bachelor’s and master’s courses and with RWTH Aachen University, which offers an innovative master’s degree program in simulation sciences in close collaboration with Forschungszentrum Jülich. Moreover, JSC is significantly involved in high-level training activities like the GCS PRACE Advanced Training Centre.

Last Modified: 21.01.2025