Jülich Data Access Server

Forschungszentrum Jülich

The lich Data Access servers serve as a gateway to the facility-wide file systems for access to the user data of the supercomputing facility at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC). For security and administrative reasons the client and server parts are distributed to different servers.

All supercomputer users automatically have access to the Jülich JUDAC system, which provides GRID tools for data access and data transfer. Job submission is not allowed and computing time is not available on the system.

Data Transfer

In order to support large scale data transfers, a UFTP server as well as a GridFTP server are running on JUDAC. Naturally, ordinary SCP or RSYNC commands can still be used to transfer data, but may not show the same optimized behaviour as UFTP or GridFTP.


Please see the JSC Service Status Page for system status information:

Last Modified: 07.01.2025