Application for Computing Time
Applications for computing time on the supercomputers JUGENE and JUROPA in Jülich can be made for the next granting period (1 November 2010 - 31 October 2011). Researchers working on simulation-intensive projects in the natural and engineering sciences can apply in several different ways:
Projects on JUROPA and national projects on JUGENE
Proposals are eligible from academic and research institutions. The electronic application forms will be open starting from 30 July 2010 and can be accessed through: Deadline for submissions is 31 August 2010.
GCS large-scale projects on JUGENE
Additionally, the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS) is issuing its fourth call for large-scale projects. Projects are classified as "large-scale" if they require more than 5 % of the potentially available CPU cycles on the high-end system of a member centre, for example more than 70 million processor core hours or 24 rack months on JUGENE within the granting period. Further details can be found at: Deadline for submissions is 31 August 2010.
These proposals for JUROPA and JUGENE will be evaluated by the peer review board of the John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC).
PRACE call for projects on JUGENE
The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) offers supercomputer resources on the highest level (Tier-0) to European researchers. Jülich, as a member of GCS and involved in shaping PRACE as well as hosting the only European Tier-0 supercomputer currently available, is dedicating a 35 % share of the IBM Blue Gene/P system JUGENE to PRACE within the framework of its commitments.
The first regular PRACE call for proposals is currently open until 15 August 2010 for the granting period 1 November 2010 - 31 October 2011 with a total available capacity of about 360 million compute core hours. For full details of the call see
The PRACE peer review process for the proposals is headed by Prof. Richard Kenway, EPCC. Jülich invites all interested European scientists to participate in this call provided they can meet the scientific and technical criteria.
(Contact: Dr. Walter Nadler, ext. 2324)
from JSC News No. 187, July 2010