Rescue Disks for Malware-Infected PCs
Computer viruses, Trojan horses and backdoors are a permanent threat to all types of interconnected computer systems. JSC has revised its range of supported rescue discs for checking potentially malware-infected PCs of Forschungszentrum Jülich personnel: Now AVG Rescue CD, Avira Antivir Rescue CD and Kaspersky Rescue Disc enable novice and advanced users to examine and heal all common types of malware on Microsoft Windows systems for both professional and personal use. Avira Antivir can also handle Linux-based systems. All rescue disc products previously in use are no longer supported by JSC. How to use these three solutions is described in the Technical Short Note TKI-0411, which is available at
(Contact: FZJ CERT Team at JSC, ext. 6440)
from JSC News No. 187, July 2010