Heraeus Summer School at JSC
JSC will host a Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Summer School on "Fast Methods for Long-Range Interactions in Complex Systems" from 6 to 10 September 2010. The focus of this school is parallel computing and computer simulations of complex charged particle systems, a recurring topic in a wide range of physical sciences, such as astrophysics, statistical physics, plasma physics, material sciences and physical chemistry. Important methods and algorithms for reducing the computational complexity of evaluating long-range interactions will be covered including fast multipole and tree methods along with multigrid or FFT-based methods and their parallelization. Sessions will include both lectures from JSC and invited speakers, together with hands-on training with selected techniques.
The school is open to PhD students and postdocs working in computational science, in particular physics, computational chemistry or numerical mathematics, who wish to learn about these state-of-the-art techniques or who want to apply them to their own simulation codes.
Further information and advice on how to apply is available from http://www.fz-juelich.de/wehss
(Contact: Dr. G. Sutmann, ext. 6746)
from JSC News No. 187, July 2010