Kick-off for PRACE-1IP

On 30 - 31 August 2010, PRACE-1IP, the first implementation phase project for the PRACE research infrastructure, held its kick-off meeting at LRZ in Garching. The European Commission is providing € 20 million of funding for the PRACE-1IP project over the next two years. The project, coordinated by JSC, supports and accelerates the implementation of the pan-European High-End Computing Research Infrastructure created and operated by PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe. The chair of the GCS board, Prof. Heinz-Gerd Hegering, gave a warm welcome to the 121 participants from all 20 PRACE countries. At the meeting, the work plan for the next months was discussed. This also provided the opportunity to establish personal contacts especially with the colleagues from the six new partner countries - Cyprus, Serbia, Turkey, Ireland, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic - that have joined PRACE since the initiative started in 2007.

(Contact: Dr. Thomas Eickermann, ext. 6596)

from JSC News No. 188, September 2010

Last Modified: 17.09.2022