Blue Gene/P Scaling Workshop 2011
Continuing our very successful series of Blue Gene Scaling Workshops, JSC has announced the next "Blue Gene/P Extreme Scaling Workshop", which will take place at JSC from 14 to 16 February 2011. The purpose of the workshop is to give application teams an opportunity to scale their code across the full Blue Gene/P system JUGENE, which consists of 72 racks with a total of 294,912 cores - still the highest number of cores worldwide. Appropriate hardware, software and support personnel will be provided to assist participants.
Workshop attendees will be selected on the basis of written proposals, which must be submitted by 30 November 2010. Participation is limited to six application teams. Selection criteria are: a high level of confidence that the code will scale across 294,912 cores or at least a large proportion of them; the JUGENE infrastructure (OS, compilers, libraries) must support user requirements; and the code should be able to produce a significant scientific impact. Priority will be given to new applicants who have not yet participated in one of the previous workshops.
To apply for the workshop send a short proposal (about two pages including a scaling plot/table) by email to using "ScalingWS11" as part of the subject. The proposal should contain a description of the application to be scaled, scaling plots showing a good scaling of at least up to 64k tasks, code requirements (e.g. special libraries, compiler versions, I/O needs, and other requirements beyond a "standard" BlueGene/IBM setup), contact data and references. If accepted, we expect that at least one team member will register and attend the workshop. More information can be found at:
(Contact: SC Support, ext. 2828)
from JSC News No. 189, October 2010