Heraeus Summer School
From 6 - 10 September 2010 Jülich Supercomputing Centre organized a Summer School on Fast Methods for Long-Range Interactions in Complex Systems, which was financially supported by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation. Thirty participants from five countries came to Jülich to learn about modern algorithms which efficiently solve the Coulomb problem by reducing its algorithmic complexity from O(N2) to O(N log N) or O(N). Ten lecturers from universities all over Germany and from Forschungzentrum Jülich presented state-of-the-art methods, algorithms and implementations of various approaches to tackle the long-range interactions between particles.
The motivation for organizing this Summer School arose from the BMBF-funded network project ScaFaCoS (Scalable Fast Coulomb Solver), which aims to develop a freely available scalable library for various fast methods solving the long-range interactions between particles in complex systems.
The wide spectrum of the participants' scientific fields reflects the interdisciplinary nature of computational science activities at JSC. Many of the participants expressed strong interest in incorporating the advanced methods presented at the school in their own applications. The proceedings of the Summer School will be published as a volume in the IAS Series. We intend to repeat the school with a similar focus next year.
(Contact: Dr. Godehard Sutmann, ext. 6746)
from JSC News No. 189, October 2010