The LinkSCEEM-2 Project

Since 2007, JSC has provided increasing support for the establishment of a high-performance computing ecosystem in the Eastern Mediterranean region. These activities are coordinated by the Computation-based Science and Technology Research Center (CaSToRC) of the Cyprus Institute in Nicosia. They are co-funded by the recently launched EU FP7 research infrastructure project LinkSCEEM-2 (Linking Scientific Computing in Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean - Implementation Phase) for four years. The project's mission is to enable computational scientific research by engaging and supporting research communities in the fields of climate change, digital cultural heritage and synchrotron applications. Thus, it will provide user support and training, targeted networking activities, and develop and implement a well-structured, high-performance computing resource allocation mechanism. JSC, a major partner in LinkSCEEM-2 together with NCSA (Urbana-Champaign, USA), will provide its expertise in peer review processes, user support and PRACE practices, and will contribute to the training and research activities.

(Contact: Dr. Norbert Attig, ext. 4416)

from JSC News No. 190, November 2010

Last Modified: 17.09.2022