PRACE Awards New Research Projects

Since 1 August 2010, PRACE has been providing supercomputer resources on the highest level (Tier-0) to European researchers. Jülich is dedicating a 35 % share of the IBM Blue Gene/P system JUGENE to PRACE.

The first regular allocation period started on 1 November 2010. The comparative international peer reviewing process was headed by Prof. Richard Kenway, EPCC. After scientific evaluation and prioritization, nine of the 59 proposals were accepted in this highly competitive process: Two each from Germany and Spain, and one each from France, Hungary, the Netherlands, Portugal, and the United Kingdom. These projects, four from the field of Engineering and Energy, three from Fundamental Physics, and one each from the fields of Chemistry and Materials and from Medicine and Life Sciences, were awarded a total of about 360 million compute core hours. More details on these projects can be found at the PRACE homepage:

(Contact: Dr. Walter Nadler, ext. 2324)

from JSC News No. 190, November 2010

Last Modified: 17.09.2022