Jülich Becomes CECAM Node
Forschungszentrum Jülich has joined the Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire (CECAM) as an active node. CECAM is an international organization, which traditionally promotes activities in the fields of atomistic simulations, e.g. quantum ab initio calculations and molecular dynamics via workshops, tutorials or visitor programmes. When the CECAM headquarters moved from Lyon to Lausanne in 2008, the structure of CECAM was transformed into an international multi-site structure, where nodes were established in different European countries, supporting the activities and running their own programmes.
Up to now, eight nodes have been set up in Ireland, France, the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and Italy, all having their own distinct thematic foci. The nodes promote and establish leading research activities in the fields of molecular simulations, multi-scale modelling and algorithms. They form a network structure, working together towards a European software and knowledge base. For more information, see http://www.cecam.org/.
Jülich has been a supporting member of CECAM for many years and is already represented on the Council. This year, Forschungszentrum Jülich signed an agreement to establish an active CECAM node in Jülich with the focus on scientific computing in the fields of soft matter and materials science. The Institute for Advanced Simulation will be in charge of organizing and running CECAM-specific activities, such as workshops, tutorials, schools and visitor programmes. Dr. Godehard Sutmann from JSC has been appointed director of the Jülich node and will coordinate local and international activities. For 2011, a workshop on soft matter, tutorials on DFT and fast algorithms in molecular simulations as well as an international guest student programme will be organized in Jülich as CECAM activities.
(Contact: Dr. Godehard Sutmann, ext. 6746).
from JSC News No. 191, December 2010