H4H Project Launched

The European ITEA2 project "Hybrid Programming for Heterogeneous Architectures" (H4H), partly funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in Germany, was launched on 1 October 2010. The objective of this project is to provide compute-intensive application developers with a highly efficient hybrid programming environment for heterogeneous computing clusters composed of a mix of classical processors and hardware accelerators such as GPUs.

To meet this challenge, the project will leverage and consistently advance the state of the art in several key software areas: programming models and associated run-time systems, performance measurement and correctness tools, smart translation in particular from OpenMP to CUDA or OpenCL, combined use of MPI and OpenMP, dynamic automatic tuning, and prediction of the execution time of a parallel application on different platforms. To achieve its objective, this project has attracted 25 project partners from France, Germany, Spain and Sweden, including a wide range of HPC users to validate the proposed technology in applications from various domains. The project will run for three years and has a total volume of € 15.6 million.

(Contact: Dr. Bernd Mohr, ext. 3218)

from JSC News No. 191, December 2010

Last Modified: 17.09.2022